员工福利 is a top priority on the corporate agenda as companies and their boards connect and correlate it with success.
太经常了, 社会经济因素决定员工是否有权享受福利, 保险和健康保险. 这意味着弱势群体经常被忽略——尽管他们最需要帮助. 鉴于此, employers must urgently address outdated and inadequate healthcare benefits and implement plans designed to support all of their workers.
The global COVID-19 pandemic has given HR and benefits professionals the opportunity to reinvent health and well-being plans – turning caring into a competitive advantage.
通过创建一个稳健的策略, HR professionals can promote better employee health while also improving business outcomes such as productivity, 订婚, 留存和信任.
- 精神
- 物理
- 社会
- 金融
良好的职场心理健康一直是整体幸福感的重要组成部分, but businesses are now becoming more aware of the role they can play in helping employees achieve it. Tackling mental health issues in the workplace has also taken on greater urgency as more people than ever suffer from conditions such as stress- and trauma-related disorders, 焦虑和抑郁.
The good news is that opportunities to fill the gaps in medical plans and provide mental healthcare to the workforce are plentiful. Employers can do the right thing and meet growing societal obligations while also protecting the health of their businesses.
这也可以为企业提供竞争优势. 我们的 按需医疗服务 research shows that workers increasingly turn to their employers as trusted providers of health support. 事实上, 提供精神卫生服务是一个核心区别, 哪些可以促进人才的获取和保留. (This research shows that 42% of employees with access to mental health benefits are less likely to leave the company compared to 27% of those without access).
同样, 雇主提供广泛的健康和福利福利的员工更忠诚, 更投入,更不可能离开公司.
了解员工的心理健康需求An annual health risk assessment should include a mental health section that explores levels of anxiety, 抑郁和倦怠以及自我照顾的习惯.
监测形势,寻找新的高质量精神卫生解决方案处理从预防到治疗方案的全方位服务. 考虑为满足基本需求提供资金的方式,例如将治疗纳入医疗保险.
为员工制定心理健康策略这不应该仅仅着眼于支持那些生病的人, 还能提高整体幸福感,包括心理健康教育.
Traditionally, employers have provided more comprehensive benefits for higher earners and management. However, this approach alienates lower-earning employees and discriminates against certain groups. This can lead to unfulfilled care expectations and cause staff to become disillusioned and demotivated. The traditional approach can also produce high turnover among under-served groups and even damage the reputation for employers who are seen to fail in this area.
来应对这一挑战, 企业必须在如何提供医疗福利的问题上“翻转金字塔”. 要做到这一点, firms should provide equitable levels of support for employees at every level of their organisation, 关注以前未满足的需求.
这个过程必须从解决负担能力问题开始. 在美世达信福利公司,我们看到许多公司正在制定解决成本问题的战略. 这些策略包括为初级员工和初级员工提供负担得起的保险.
获得医疗保健同样至关重要. 幸运的是, 雇主行为的范式转变可见一斑, with many firms now focused on ensuring that quality healthcare and infrastructure are available to all employees regardless of job, 角色或功能.
就环境、社会和治理进行对话作为您正在进行的供应商管理活动的一部分, 这些与保险公司的讨论应该告诉你他们在这个领域正在做什么.
继续倡导更好地收集和共享数据允许对劳动力健康趋势进行匿名和汇总识别. 这些数据应包括影响健康和福祉的社会因素的编码.
按需医疗2023年. 让所有人受益:员工和企业兴旺发展的秘诀
提供早期和频繁的健康支持不仅是正确的事情, 这也会带来更投入的劳动力. 我们的 global 按需医疗服务 2021 research shows that employees who feel well supported and have access to wide range of benefits are more productive, 更好的参与, 也不太可能离职.
使用分析, HR leaders can go far beyond tracking the success of one benefit or the preferences of one region. 他们可以创建和跟踪利益角色, enabling them to gain a richer understanding of benefits use across their organisation and target communications. 这在全球性组织中尤其有用, 其中一个, 统一系统可以用来理解不同需求之间的差异, 或超越, 地理及部门.
HR teams equipped with analytics capabilities are able to see in near real-time how the fallout from the pandemic impacted their benefits offering and could identify any gaps or successes that appeared. 通过跟踪报销, 例如, employers could see people swapping out gym memberships for virtual classes and deduce that employees were finding other ways to remain fit and healthy while working from home.
这种理解可能会引导他们进一步补充他们的福利计划, 通过虚拟的营养研讨会或烹饪课程, 例如. 然后,分析可以帮助监控方案的使用情况, 帮助人力资源主管评估新福利是否带来了良好的投资回报.
Forward-looking and innovative firms continue to evolve and foster new ideas on how to create a culture of health that promotes the well-being of all employees. 全球福利高级副总裁Bernie Knobbe在美世达信福利网络研讨会上发表讲话 & 幸福, Human Resources at AECOM shared some of the creative initiatives the firm has launched to create what he calls a “culture of caring”.
- “Well-binars”该公司为全球所有员工举办了关于幸福的网络研讨会.
- 维护周公司的安全周更名为保障周,以更好地体现其核心价值观. It included animated videos and a virtual exhibition hall to engage employees and promote the well-being programme.
- # WellbeingMoments: This initiative encouraged people to think of well-being moments each day and share them with colleagues. Team leaders share their personal well-being moments at the beginning of employee meetings and leadership Town Halls.
- Let 's Talk Campaign这是一个为期一个月的活动,旨在促进情感, 社会和智力的福祉,从那以后一直在进行. 鼓励经理们问员工这样的问题:“你好吗?以及“我能做些什么来支持你吗??” The campaign emphasises one-to-one meetings and making sure people are comfortable discussing these issues.
- 更好地利用EAP: AECOM created a template message to ensure that at the end of employee communications there was a reminder that the global EAP was there to support people 24/7 worldwide. 这也包括全球福祉网站和AECOM福利网站的链接.
- 超级六人挑战:六个月, AECOM每月举办一次比赛, a person is selected based on the number of likes that they received about their own well-being story. 除了获得各种奖励, 获胜者的照片将被制作成一个超级英雄动画人物,并在内部网站上展示.
- 重新定位福祉大使AECOM在当地办事处设有幸福大使, 但是对于远程工作的人来说, 它们没有那么有效. The company expanded the ambassador toolkit to include more resources that could be offered virtually, 了解员工的情况, 在办公室还是远程办公.
- “提名你的经理”项目: This programme allows employees to nominate managers for well-being certificates once a month for promoting a culture of well-being among their teams